Canon Patent Application: Shutter that minimizes shutter shock | Canon Rumors

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As discovered by CanonNews, this is an interesting patent application. Shutter shock is a condition that mirrorless cameras are prone to have if they have a mechanical shutter, especially if they also have IBIS.

Canon in this patent application talks about a floating shutter mechanism that would reduce or even eliminate shutter shock.

A prior patent application may have worked;

[In patent application] an image pickup device that holds a shutter in a floating state so as to be movable only in the traveling direction of the shutter blade by using a spring, and absorbs vibration due to the traveling of the shutter blade.

However, Canon found that approach to be inaccurate and this in this case describes a mechanism that uses electromagnets to move the shutter instead which reduces the amount of vibration caused by the assembly. (Thanks for the clarification – I’ll blame it on 60 hours’ worth of jetlag still).

Granted using an electronic shutter or global shutter can also completely remove shutter shock, but this may be an excellent interim solution.

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